
Our Response to COVID-19

Despite continuing to choose not to stage live performances of Avex artists in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 cases throughout Japan, as an entertainment company, we implemented various initiatives during this time with the hope of contributing, even in the slightest, to the day-to-day enjoyment of consumers through entertainment.

Free viewing of live performances of Avex artists

On March 5, we started releasing around 100 live video performances of Avex Management artists, including TRF, ayumi hamazaki, KODA KUMI, and AAA. This content is usually sold in the form of DVD package products, or as a download, but this time around we made the videos available to watch for free on Avex Channel, our official YouTube channel.

Live streaming of joint performance of Avex artists

On March 8, 2020, we live-streamed a joint performance of mainly young and mid-tier Avex Management artists. This live broadcast, which was streamed on two of our official account channels, namely YouTube and the LINE app, saw 14 artists perform in turn.

Supporting artists, talents, and creators

We supported Avex signed and contract artists, talents, and the broader entertainment community (external artists, talents, creators, etc.) by creating performance opportunities and providing access to various Avex Group tools. We also extended relief packages to individual artists and talents (signed and contract).

Support through the creation of performance opportunities

Creation of opportunities for artists and the music industry as a whole
  • Planning and running online events
Creation of opportunities for video content creators
  • Assisting remote video production and release
Creation of opportunities for YouTubers and other content creators
  • Providing sound source materials

Support through the provision of tools

Provision of support tools to music creators
  • We made the fee-paying plan (basic plan) of BIG UP!, a mu-sic distribution platform, free of charge for a limited time and unlocked all features of the service
  • As a tie-in with BIG UP!, we provided support to potential creators on various levels, with engineering, A&R, master-ing, and design tools, and also advanced up-front pay-ments for some mastering costs
Provision of support tools to anime creators and voice-over artists
  • We offered AniCast Maker, a tool for producing animation content in a VR space, free of charge
Provision of support tools to internet content creators
  • Support for launching a YouTube channel (planning, re-cording, editing, analyzing)
  • Support for live streaming
  • Virtual reality support for mainly VTuber activities

Free PIKOTARO handwashing poster

Avex Management artist PIKOTARO released a video entitled PPAP-2020, encouraging people to wash their hands properly. It quickly captured global attention and has been viewed approximately 10 million times on YouTube in more than 150 countries. It was particularly popular in the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, and other Asian countries. In fact, in the Philippines, it was shown at more than 50 medical institutions. After being swamped by inquiries from schools and local governments across Japan, we decided to create a poster. We made two sizes, including an English language version, so it could be displayed in various locations such as toilets and washrooms. So that anybody can freely use the poster, we made it available for free on PIKOTARO’s website and social media accounts.

Employee measures

At Avex, even before the spread of COVID-19, we had introduced our so-called FFF work-style system under which employees have greater flexibility over where and when they work. After the state of emergency was declared, in prioritizing the safety of employees we have encouraged employees to work from home so as to keep the ratio of employees commuting to the office to under 50%, which in turn helps prevent the spread of infections. Employees that need to come to the office for work purposes are required to wear a mask, meeting rooms are only being used at 50% or less capacity, and social distancing practices are being strictly followed (spacing out chairs, moving to different floors, etc.). At the Avex Building too, measures are being taken to help stop the spread of infections. For example, hand sanitizer is available on each floor, gargling solution has been placed in the toilets, temperatures are taken at the entrance gate, and visitors are provided with a mask. For meetings between executives, such as the Board of Directors, we have endeavored to use teleconferencing systems in order to facilitate communication and engage in corporate management so that business decisions are not delayed. Our employees have also gone about their business smoothly with no interruptions during the coronavirus crisis mainly by working from home with the use of VPNs and an online approval system.

FF work-style system

Free Location
Employees can flexibly work from any location at any time utilizing the internet and other communication methods
Free Address
(Open-plan workspaces)
With the goal of stimulating communi-cation, employees can work from anywhere in the office without having their own assigned desk
Flex Time
(Flexible working hours)
Owing to the absence of fixed working times, employees can work freely by planning their own schedules, as long as they do not exceed the agreed monthly working hours