
Avex's Materiality
(ISO 26000 Reference Table)

Avex's social responsibility

In order to fulfill its social responsibility through its business operations, Avex, in accordance with the principles of international standard ISO 26000, promotes a series of sustainability activities centered around the "3 categories" of "For employees," "For external stakeholders" and "For the future of the earth."

For Employees

Organizational governance

  1. Organizational governance


Labor practices

  1. Employment and employment relationships
  2. Working conditions and social security
  3. Social dialogue
  4. Safety and health in the workplace
  5. On-site development and training of human resources

Promotion of employees' health; Initiatives by our Company and health insurance providers (blood analysis, dental checkup, handing out of stress check-sheets, body tissues analysis, individual counseling for overweight employees)

Various training programs

End-of-term meetings, informal summer meetings, employee trips

Avex Group family appreciation get togethers

【Fringe benefits】Employee stock ownership plan

【Fringe benefits】10% travel subsidy (subject to income tax) paid by Avex when buying overseas airline tickets, overseas package tours, hotels and other services. through Avex Tour as well as several directly-managed or affiliated employee-welfare facilities in Japan and abroad

Avex Aid Fund (internal mutual aid association)

Human rights

  1. Due diligence
  2. Crisis management of human rights
  3. Avoiding being complicit
  4. Dealing with complaints
  5. Discrimination and socially vulnerable individuals
  6. Civic and political rights
  7. Economic, social and cultural rights
  8. Basic principles and rights of labor

Promotion of work-life balance (acquisition of "Kurumin" certification mark)

Holding of seminars on balancing work and nursing care

For external stakeholders

Fair business practices

  1. Prevention of corruption
  2. Responsible political involvement
  3. Fair and open competition
  4. Promoting social responsibility in the value chain
  5. Respect for property rights

Crisis management manual (available to employees on the Company's intranet)

Consumer issues

  1. Fair marketing, fact-based unbiased information and fair contractual practices
  2. Protection of consumers' safety and health
  3. Sustainable consumption
  4. Service, support, and resolution of complaints/disputes for consumers
  5. Consumers' data protection and privacy
  6. Access to indispensable services
  7. Education and raising of awareness

Mechanisms for hearing from customers; Customers

Avex Group Social Media Policy

Campaign for copyright awareness

Participation in the community

  1. Participation in the community
  2. Education and culture
  3. Employment creation and skill development
  4. Technological development and access to technology
  5. Creation of wealth and income
  6. Health
  7. Social investment

Dispatching of dancers

School lunch support program

Asian International Children's Film Festival

Visits by junior-high school students

Holding of free dance competitions

Discovering new artists

For the future of the earth


  1. Prevention of pollution
  2. Use of sustainable resources
  3. Mitigating climate change and adapting to climate change
  4. Protecting the environment and restoring biodiversity and natural habitats

Environmental initiatives

Environmental activities in CD package

Eco activities at special events

In-house promotion of Cool Biz dressing code

Promotion of paperless work

Reduction of CO2 emissions using confidential collection boxes

Recycling of plastic bottle caps

Introduction of reusable shopping bags

Building construction materials